The National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers program has a good marksmanship program open to all cadets across Canada.
Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR)
The Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights aims to be a strong and reputable, public-facing voice for Canadian firearms owners.
Canadian International Muzzle Loading Team & The Maple Leaf International Muzzle Loading Association (MLIMLA)
These were created for the purpose of promoting Muzzle Loading competitions and encompass the regular shooting disciplines of Rifle, Handgun and Shotgun.
Canadian Police Combat Association (CPCA)
Promote, foster and perpetuate Police Combat shooting in Canada.
Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA)
Promote and protect the shooting sports in Canada.
Canadian University Shooting Federation (CUSF)
Promotes competitive shooting sports between Canadian Universities and Colleges.
Dominion of Canada Rifle Association (DCRA)
Promote and support the pursuit of excellence in military and civilian marksmanship as a positive and significant contribution to Canada, to the sport of shooting and to the safe handling of firearms.
International Defensive Pistol Association of Canada (IDPA)
Promote practical competitive shooting focused on defensive tactics with carried gear.
International Practical Shooting Confederation of Canada (IPSC Canada)
Promote practical shooting under the International Practical Shooting Confederation rules.
National Firearms Association (NFA)
Promote, support and protect: all safe firearms activities, including the right of self-defense; firearms education for all Canadians; freedom and justice for Canada’s firearms community, and further to advocate for legislative change to protect the right to own and use firearms.
Canadian National Sporting Clays Association (CNSCA)
Promote sporting clays shooting in Canada.
Silhouette Rifle Association of Canada (SRAC)
Benchrest CanadaPromote silhouette shooting events in Canada.
Discussion forum about benchrest shooting.