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high performance committee

The main responsibilities of the High Performance Committee (HPC) are to help the Vice President High Performance (VPHP) manage the High Performance Plan (HPP) for Olympic and Paralympic disciplines, develop annual criteria for Athlete Selection and Major Games, and facilitate the highest level of achievement of all Canada’s National Teams internationally, in accordance with LTAD plan and SFC policies.

The HPC must also improve communications between and manage the exchange of information among the shooting disciplines, through their representatives.


National Trap Coach

National Skeet Coach


National Pistol Coach

National Rifle Coach

National Junior Coach

Athlete Representative

Alternate Athlete Representative

Mental Performance Consultant

Kinesiologist (IST)

Chief Executive Officer


Florin Marinache

Florin Marinache

Gale Stewart

Lisa Borgerson

Dave Woolridge

Richard Lanning

Mark Hynes

Sharon Bowes

Chloe Gagnon

Tanis Thiessen

Jasmine Northcott

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Tel: (613) 727-7483 | admin@sfc-ftc.ca
2451 Riverside Drive, c/o House of Sport, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X7
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